Regular membership shall be granted to those who received a degree from AAMU or attended the university and have paid their annual dues. Associate membership shall be granted to those who did not attend AAMU but support the alumni chapter and university.

Note: Dues include $50 paid to National Alumni Association.



- Reconnect collegiate relationships
- Professional development & leadership training
- Social & professional networking
- Support student scholarship
- Volunteerism
- Annual picnic
- Holiday celebration
- Fellowship at AAMU Houston area Basketball & Footbal games
- Receive periodic e-newsletter of AAMU activities & alumni achievements
- Discount home & auto insurance from Liberty Mutual

Key Achievements

- Achieved 501-3(c) non-profit status
- Annual Scholarship Award to Houston area students
- Annual Donor to the University
- Participate in area H.S. College Fairs
- Develop Chapter website
- Houston Food Bank volunteer
- Member Houston HBCU Association
- Provide care package to Houston area AAMU students